Announcement of the Publication of 'Mitsubishi Steel Integrated Report 2023'
We have published the 'Mitsubishi Steel Integrated Report 2023' on November 10th.
Since 2012, we have been producing a 'CSR Report' with the aim of deepening stakeholders' understanding of our various activities. However, in response to the increasing demand from stakeholders, we have started publishing it as an 'Integrated Report' this year, aiming to expand the disclosure of our sustainability information.
In this report, we are not only further expanding the ESG-related information that was included in the traditional 'CSR Report' and providing financial information, but also presenting our medium-to-long term plans and value creation process. This edition also features a dialogue between the Chairman of the Board and Outside Directors, making it easier to understand discussions at the Board of Directors meetings and our governance structure.
We will continue to enhance our ESG-related initiatives and strive to enhance corporate value by actively disclosing information and communicating with our stakeholders.
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