Promoting digital transformation (DX) at Mitsubishi Steel
Our Medium-term Management Plan identifies the following basic policies: restructuring our overseas businesses; strengthening our product appeal further; and expanding our business model for seamless production from materials.
To implement these basic policies, achieve further growth, and enhance our competitive strengths, we will strive to reinforce our management foundations and energetically pursue digital transformation (DX) by enhancing our strategies and IT infrastructures and leveraging our organizational and human resources.
To move toward these goals, we formed the DX promotion project team in 2021, and we are currently promoting DX companywide. In a world of rapid societal change and digitalization, DX promotion is a key management strategy for Mitsubishi Steel. We will focus our management resources on DX promotion in the same way we do for growth fields, thereby responding so society’s needs for decarbonization and resource recycling. By promoting DX, we aim to enhance contact points with customer needs through the use of digital technology, to improve customer satisfaction through centralized information management, and to innovatively increase productivity and corporate value by automating and streamlining operations to the extent possible.
Through companywide activities involving management, work in the field, and system engineering, we will promote DX to deliver services that provide new value to customers by making existing products more competitive and by creating value above and beyond operational improvements.
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DX Promotion Office