Opening Ceremony of Manila Plant and Change Trade Name of Philippine Subsidiary
Manila Plant (the Philippines) of MSM CEBU INC., one of our subsidiaries in the Philippines, held an opening ceremony on December 9, 2019, concurrenlty with the start of manufacturing facillities and sales of coiled springs for automobiles. Also, due to the opening of Manila Plant, MSM CEBU, INC. changes its trade name into “MSM Philippines Mfg. Inc.” on April 1, 2020.
In order to meet the needs for local procurement of the customers, Manila Plant produce coiled springs for automobiles and precision springs by utilizing the buildings of the former MSM MANILA, INC., used as warehouses. It is the first place to produce coiled springs for automobiles in ASEAN region. The plant had already started to produce precision springs and increased production in southern Luzon area, where demands are packed with. This time, we have installed the production facilities of coiled springs for automobiles.
The ceremony was attended by about 80 people, including our president Sato and other members concerned from MITSUBISHI STEEL MFG. CO., LTD. ("MSM"), PEZA officials and business partners in the Philippines and Japan. President Sato addressed the ceremony: “Together with the expansion of industries such as OA machinery, automobile and other new businesses and the needs for local procurement, we were able to revive the plant which had once closed. We will try to do our best to the Philippines, as well as all business partners.”
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