Supplied the world's largest ring rolling machine with the most powerful rolling force



Our group company - Mitsubishi Nagasaki Machinery Mfg. Co., Ltd. is one of the leading ring mill machine manufacturers in the world, and has supplied more than 100 ring mill machines in Japan and overseas. Recently, the company supplied the world's largest ring rolling machine - MRB3000 to Nakamura Ironworks Co., Ltd., which is a specialized manufacturer of free forging products.

MRB3000 has up to 1,050 ton horizontal and up to 800 ton vertical rolling force, and has rolling force for products with maximum 3,000mm in diameter, maximum 1,000mm in height, and maximum 20 ton in weight. MRB3000 is the first ring mill machine with more than 1,000 ton horizontal rolling force in Japan, and even in the world there are only a few this kind of ring mill machines. Also MRB3000 is the world's largest ring mill machine for high level ring manufacturing in the aviation industry. By supply of MRB3000, Mitsubishi Nagasaki Machinery Mfg. Co., Ltd. will be continuing to supply machines for higher level ring manufacturing field.

The world's largest ring rolling machine with the most powerful rolling force [MRB3000]
Maximum 3,000 in diameter
Maximum 1,000 in height

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Mitsubishi Nagasaki Machinery Mfg.Co.,Ltd.
