Alongside our shareholders and investors

Based on the Mitsubishi Steel Group Code of Conduct and the Basic Policy for Corporate Governance, we engage actively in fair, accurate, and timely disclosure with shareholders and investors. We also engage in constructive dialogue with shareholders and investors to contribute to sustained growth and increasing corporate value over the medium to long term.

Communication with shareholders and investors

We have formulated a Basic Policy on Communication with Shareholders and Investors, which is available on our website.
We meet regularly with institutional investors and shareholders and maintain a structure for swiftly relaying comments from shareholders and investors to top management and other members of the management team as feedback for corporate management.
In FY2021, to enhance SR activities for our largest institutional investors, we held meetings for specific institutional investors attended by the directors responsible for general affairs, human resources, and accounting. Outside Directors also participated in these meetings.
We will continue to enhance efforts to ensure constructive communication with shareholders and investors.

Posting materials to the website

We post timely materials to the corporate website, including annual financial briefings materials from briefings on financial results, time-sensitive information, information on important topics, and materials for the Ordinary General Meetings of Shareholders.
The website also features a video introduction to the Mitsubishi Steel Group to help shareholders and investors better understand aspects of the products and manufacturing processes of each business within the Group-aspects that can be difficult to convey through the still images included in pamphlets and similar materials.

General Meeting of Shareholders

The General Meeting of Shareholders features a briefing by the Representative Director, President & CEO using explanatory materials intended to deepen shareholder understanding of our current conditions and future initiatives on topics ranging from current financial results and the outlook for the following period to progress on the Mid-term Business Plan. Materials filmed and distributed on the day of the meeting are posted to the website.
For shareholders unable to attend on the day of the meeting, a video of the General Meeting of Shareholders was posted on the website for three months.

Briefings for analysts and institutional investors

Online briefing
Online briefing

Twice a year, we hold briefings on financial results for securities analysts and institutional investors in which the Representative Director, President & CEO and other members of the management team provide detailed information on financial results and the future business outlook. Due to COVID-19, these briefings have been held online since March 2021.
To gain the understanding and trust of all stakeholders, we will continue to provide information proactively; create even more opportunities for dialogue; and broaden fair, timely, and appropriate disclosure.